Look into my eyes

It was time for my 2-yearly eye test so I went to Vision Express, who supply me with my contact lenses. They asked me if I wanted photographs of the backs of my eyes for an extra £10. Hell yes!
Left eye:
Right eye:
Now my Optometrist explained what each part of the image is in great detail – unfortunately I’ve forgotten almost everything she said. The big blood vessels are veins, and the smaller ones are arteries. I think the bright dot is the cornea, I can’t remember what the black part is. Ten points for anyone who knows.
Eyes closed
On the way home from poker.
How could I resist? I wish I had a polaroid so I could have placed a copy in his pocket.
Eyes open
Tanya with her Nikon F3. She’s in India with my Canon 24-70 right now, looking forward to what she brings back.
Severin flew over to have some noodles.
And look at Graffiti. My film scanner has problems scanning dark photos, and I end up with things like this.
Eyes down
Jay Luck had another fancy dress Team Freezeout at The International.
I went as a banana, Kevin went as Buzz Lightyear, Nick went as a pimp and ginger Chris refused to wear his flashing police helmet. So Nick wore it. Kevin took second place for our team.
Nick and the hat.
Another scanner screw-up. I’m going to get this printed then scan the print.
Also in the news
We’re fast approaching the end of the financial year. This is when councils dig up the roads and spend as much money as possible. if they don’t spend it, they get less next year.
I wonder what his story is.
There’s something about shaving my head that makes me feel like I’m shrugging off the blandness of the working week, ready for the weekend, freedom and fun.
I’ve booked flights to NYC & Philly for mid-late June with Sean Mayer. Looking forward to seeing some friends across the pond again. And documenting the whole thing!
Geeky stuff: Voigtlander Bessa R2M; 35mm 1.7 Ultron; Kodak TRI-X 400 + 2.
Posted in Miscellaneous, Poker, Street | 7 Comments »